Life is Linda


1st World Canine Bestseller

Life is Linda is the doggography of Linda Guacharaca, an alley-dog picked up by the writer after being run over and who, after her miraculous recovery, accompanied her during all her adventures around the world. A bestseller which gives voice to the best friend of humans, narrated with tenderness and humour, from the unique point of view of a hero with four legs.

SKU: L002-EN

1 valoración en Life is Linda

Robert Leslie Anderson

I love this story of a cute doggie, whose entire life is spent overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles and dangers, through a mixture of sheer doggedness, dogfoolery and canine courage. Linda’s recounting of her odyssey through life brought a smile to my face and I laughed out loud at her adventures. I loved it, every doggone word!

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My name is Linda, Linda Guacharaca. I survived a brutal hit and run, three months without any food, a plague of fleas that required an exterminator, and several attacks that would make every hair on your neck stand on end.

As my mom says, I am not a normal dog, I am a miracle dog.

Today, with my back in the shape of an «S» and a loose paw, I not only have the sexiest strut in the park, but I crossed the Atlantic Ocean to visit Europe and even helped my mom to fulfill her dream of making a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela: she’s an inveterate nomad, whose knowledge of the canine universe was limited, until the moment our paths crossed at a gas station in the Llanos Orientales, to a couple of pieces of information she had read in a magazine about the animal world.

Would you dare to stick your snout in these pages?

You will howl with laughter.  (White Fang)

Street dogs now have their own ambassadress. (The New York Bones)

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